Hier erzählt Raphael von seinem Aufenthalt beim Windows Server 2019 AirLift:
One day not too long ago my boss called me and asked “Do you want to go to the AirLift? The one in Redmond? It’s about Windows Server 2019!”. I was surprised but in a positive way and asked when it was. “In two weeks” was the answer.
Said, decided, booked, done. Two weeks later I was flying from Zurich to London and a bit later from London to Seattle. In Seattle I took a taxi to my hotel just besides the Microsoft Campus, slept one night and then the AirLift started!
Well, it started with a breakfast, very hearty and good.
After the breakfast the presentations started with a very excited and enthusiastic Jeff Woolsey doing a keynote and talking about the future of Windows Server in the Long Term and the Current Branch and especially he talked of the Windows Admin Center.
For all those who don’t know, the Windows Admin Center is THE web-based future of Windows Server Administration. If you haven’t looked at it – do it soon.
After the keynote there were sessions on the newest features and investments Microsoft had built into Windows Server 2019.
The topics covered were System Insights, Azure Network Adapter, Storage Replica and the Storage Migration Service, Azure File Sync, RDS and a Security Overview, Defender ATP, Shielded VMs and SQL Always Encrypted.
Between the sessions we had lunch in the evening a welcome reception took place.
One nights sleep later (and some Powershell Scripting because I was wide awake at 4 in the morning) the sessions continued and covered two main topics: Windows Server Containers and how Microsoft will shift to the Microsoft Container Registry and rename all the repositories they have and introduce a cloud-based docker build service (ACR Build) – as well as Hyperconverged Infrastructure setups, allowing for nested mirror-accelerated parity, deduplication on ReFS, new scaling limits of 4 PB per cluster and 400 TB per server as well as built-in cluster performance measurement and projection of usage, resulting in proactive information and alerts.
With this, the AirLift was coming to an end.
Although flying to Redmond for just 2 days is somewhat hard on the body, it was worth it as I got to experience the seemingly never-ending Microsoft Campus, learned a lot of useful things in theory and practice labs and was able to connect with interesting people, fellow consultants and trainers as well as the product team members from Microsoft.
I would definitely do it again!
More informations: https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/windowsserver/2018/10/02/windows-server-2019-now-generally-available/